Hi! My name is Jia-Hong.

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I am based in Singapore where I lead a collective of angels that invests in early stage start ups who are in the fight against climate change.

After I left my job at BlackRock in 2019, I had some inspirational figures in my life. They convinced me to get on the saddle and I then made my way across the European continent from London to the Black Sea. It was a life changing experience that sparked my love for bicycle touring.

Solo bike touring is one of the best ways to turn off.

Solo bike touring is one of the best ways to turn off.

As I made my way across Europe, the days and weeks of pedalling past endless solar and wind farms served as inspiration for me to pivot into sustainability as an investor in the energy transition.

Farming for onions on the ground, farming for energy in the air.

Farming for onions on the ground, farming for energy in the air.

After a stint at a Asian VC fund and studying an MBA in Renewable Energy, I decided to combine my experiences into Turn Off Turn On Ventures (TOTO) where myself and other angel investors could join innovators and founders in the fight against climate change.

In 2022, I got back on the saddle for a cycling tour with an investing twist. I want to connect with founders, investors and the start up ecosystem by being directly on the ground. In 2023, I went on a second tour covering the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

I now coach founders on their zero to one journeys, especially in refining their scientific communication and fundraising preparation.

Think I can help? Reach out here!